Pick up the correct statement from the following: A. English bond is used for brick masonry to support heavy loads B. Double-Flemish bond is suitable for brick masonry to give uniform face appearance C. The stretcher bond is used for the construction of half brick masonry brick D. All the above

English bond is used for brick masonry to support heavy loads
Double-Flemish bond is suitable for brick masonry to give uniform face appearance
The stretcher bond is used for the construction of half brick masonry brick
All the above

The correct answer is D. All the above.

English bond is a type of brick masonry in which every fifth course is laid as a header course, with the other four courses being laid as stretcher courses. This type of bond is strong and can support heavy loads. Double-Flemish bond is a type of brick masonry in which every course is laid with alternating headers and stretchers. This type of bond is also strong and can support heavy loads, but it has a more uniform face appearance than English bond. The stretcher bond is a type of brick masonry in which all of the bricks are laid as stretchers. This type of bond is not as strong as English bond or double-Flemish bond, but it is easier to lay and can be used for the construction of half brick masonry.

Here is a diagram of the three types of brick bonds:

English bond:

  • Every fifth course is laid as a header course, with the other four courses being laid as stretcher courses.
  • The headers are laid perpendicular to the face of the wall, and the stretchers are laid parallel to the face of the wall.
  • This type of bond is strong and can support heavy loads.

Double-Flemish bond:

  • Every course is laid with alternating headers and stretchers.
  • The headers are laid perpendicular to the face of the wall, and the stretchers are laid parallel to the face of the wall.
  • This type of bond is also strong and can support heavy loads, but it has a more uniform face appearance than English bond.

Stretcher bond:

  • All of the bricks are laid as stretchers.
  • The stretchers are laid parallel to the face of the wall.
  • This type of bond is not as strong as English bond or double-Flemish bond, but it is easier to lay and can be used for the construction of half brick masonry.
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