Peasant movements in Sikkim often centered around issues like:

Fair prices for agricultural produce
Debt relief and land rights
Access to irrigation and credit
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

Peasant movements in Sikkim often centered around issues like fair prices for agricultural produce, debt relief and land rights, and access to irrigation and credit.

  • Fair prices for agricultural produce: Peasants often demanded fair prices for their produce, as they felt that they were not being paid a fair share of the profits from their labor. This was especially true in the case of cash crops, such as tea and cardamom, which were grown for export.
  • Debt relief and land rights: Many peasants were also in debt, as they had borrowed money from moneylenders at high interest rates. This debt often led to landlessness, as peasants were forced to sell their land in order to repay their debts.
  • Access to irrigation and credit: Peasants also demanded access to irrigation and credit, as these were essential for increasing agricultural production. Irrigation would allow them to grow crops during the dry season, while credit would allow them to purchase seeds, fertilizer, and other inputs.

These issues were all interrelated, and they all contributed to the poverty and exploitation of peasants in Sikkim. The peasant movements that arose in response to these issues played a significant role in the political and social transformation of Sikkim.

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