Movements for social justice led to the empowerment of:

Landless laborers
All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above.

Dalit, Adivasi, and landless laborers are all groups that have historically been marginalized in Indian society. Movements for social justice have led to the empowerment of all of these groups, giving them a voice and a platform to advocate for their rights.

Dalit, also known as “untouchables,” are the lowest caste in the Hindu caste system. They have traditionally been subjected to discrimination and violence. The Dalit movement has fought for the rights of Dalits, including the right to education, employment, and housing.

Adivasis, also known as “tribals,” are indigenous peoples who live in India. They have traditionally been marginalized and exploited by the Indian government. The Adivasi movement has fought for the rights of Adivasis, including the right to land, self-determination, and cultural preservation.

Landless laborers are people who do not own land and are therefore dependent on others for their livelihood. They have traditionally been exploited by landlords and employers. The landless labor movement has fought for the rights of landless laborers, including the right to a fair wage, decent working conditions, and access to land.

Movements for social justice have led to significant progress for Dalits, Adivasis, and landless laborers. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure that these groups are fully empowered and enjoy equal rights in Indian society.