Migrants from Andhra Pradesh often work in:

Construction and manufacturing
Services sector
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

Migrants from Andhra Pradesh often work in construction, manufacturing, agriculture, and the services sector.

  • Construction: Andhra Pradesh is a major construction hub, and many migrants from the state work in this sector. They are employed in building roads, bridges, dams, and other infrastructure projects.
  • Manufacturing: Andhra Pradesh is also a major manufacturing hub, and many migrants from the state work in this sector. They are employed in factories that produce a variety of goods, including textiles, electronics, and food products.
  • Agriculture: Andhra Pradesh is a major agricultural state, and many migrants from the state work in this sector. They are employed in farming, harvesting, and processing agricultural products.
  • Services sector: The services sector is the largest employer in Andhra Pradesh, and many migrants from the state work in this sector. They are employed in a variety of services, including retail, hospitality, and healthcare.

According to the 2011 census, the top five occupations of migrants from Andhra Pradesh were:

  1. Agriculture (21.6%)
  2. Construction (16.8%)
  3. Manufacturing (13.6%)
  4. Trade (12.4%)
  5. Services (11.2%)

The following are some of the reasons why migrants from Andhra Pradesh often work in these sectors:

  • High demand for labor: The construction, manufacturing, and services sectors are all major employers in Andhra Pradesh, and there is a high demand for labor in these sectors.
  • Low wages: The wages in these sectors are often lower than in other sectors, which makes them attractive to migrants who are looking for work.
  • Lack of opportunities in rural areas: Many migrants from Andhra Pradesh come from rural areas, where there are limited opportunities for employment. The construction, manufacturing, and services sectors offer more opportunities for employment than are available in rural areas.
  • Family ties: Many migrants from Andhra Pradesh have family members who are already working in these sectors, which makes it easier for them to find employment in these sectors.
  • Social networks: Migrants from Andhra Pradesh often rely on social networks to find employment. They may be able to get a job through a friend or family member who is already working in a particular sector.