Manipur experiences a predominantly:

Tropical Monsoon Climate
Subtropical Climate
Temperate Climate
Arid Climate

Manipur experiences a predominantly tropical monsoon climate. This type of climate is characterized by hot, humid summers and cool, dry winters. The monsoon rains are caused by the seasonal shift in the wind patterns over the Indian subcontinent. The southwest monsoon winds blow from the Indian Ocean to the land from June to September, bringing with them heavy rains. The northeast monsoon winds blow from the land to the Indian Ocean from October to December, bringing with them dry weather.

The tropical monsoon climate is found in many parts of the world, including India, Southeast Asia, and Africa. It is a type of climate that is well-suited to agriculture, as the rains provide the water necessary for crops to grow. However, the climate can also be prone to natural disasters, such as floods and droughts.

Here is a brief description of each of the options:

  • Tropical Monsoon Climate: This type of climate is characterized by hot, humid summers and cool, dry winters. The monsoon rains are caused by the seasonal shift in the wind patterns over the Indian subcontinent.
  • Subtropical Climate: This type of climate is found in regions that are located between the tropics and the temperate zones. It is characterized by warm summers and cool winters.
  • Temperate Climate: This type of climate is found in regions that are located between the tropics and the polar regions. It is characterized by four distinct seasons.
  • Arid Climate: This type of climate is characterized by low rainfall and high evaporation rates. It is found in deserts and semi-deserts.
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