Load factor of a power station is generally

equal to unity
less than unity
more than unity
equal to zero Diversity factor is always

The correct answer is: B. less than unity

Load factor is the ratio of average load to the maximum demand during a given period of time. It is a measure of how efficiently a power station is being used. A load factor of 1 means that the power station is being used at its maximum capacity all the time. This is very unlikely to be the case, as demand for electricity varies throughout the day and night. Therefore, load factors are typically less than 1.

Diversity factor is the ratio of the sum of the individual loads to the total load. It is a measure of how much the loads on a power system vary. A diversity factor of 1 means that all the loads on the system are equal. This is very unlikely to be the case, as different loads will have different patterns of demand. Therefore, diversity factors are typically greater than 1.

Here are some additional details about load factor and diversity factor:

  • Load factor is an important metric for power plants because it affects their efficiency. A higher load factor means that the plant is being used more efficiently, which can save money on fuel costs.
  • Diversity factor is an important metric for power system planners because it affects the amount of capacity that needs to be installed. A higher diversity factor means that the loads on the system are more variable, which requires more capacity to be installed to meet peak demand.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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