Limited written records from the medieval period in Arunachal Pradesh necessitate reliance on:

Archaeological evidence
Oral traditions
Accounts from neighboring kingdoms
All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above.

Limited written records from the medieval period in Arunachal Pradesh necessitate reliance on archaeological evidence, oral traditions, and accounts from neighboring kingdoms.

  • Archaeological evidence can provide information about the material culture of a people, such as their tools, weapons, and pottery. It can also provide information about their social structure, such as their religious beliefs and practices.
  • Oral traditions are stories that are passed down from generation to generation through word of mouth. They can provide information about a people’s history, culture, and beliefs.
  • Accounts from neighboring kingdoms can provide information about a people’s interactions with other peoples. They can also provide information about the political and economic conditions of a people’s time.

All of these sources of information can be used to piece together a picture of the medieval period in Arunachal Pradesh. However, it is important to remember that each source has its own limitations. Archaeological evidence can be difficult to interpret, oral traditions can be inaccurate, and accounts from neighboring kingdoms can be biased. Therefore, it is important to use all of these sources in conjunction with each other in order to get a more complete picture of the past.