Karnataka’s population growth rate is:

Below the national average
About the same as the national average
Higher than the national average
One of the highest in India

The correct answer is: C) Higher than the national average.

Karnataka’s population growth rate is 1.2%, which is higher than the national average of 1.1%. This means that the population of Karnataka is growing at a faster rate than the population of India as a whole.

There are a number of factors that contribute to Karnataka’s high population growth rate. One factor is that the state has a relatively young population. The median age in Karnataka is 27.2 years, which is lower than the national median age of 28.2 years. This means that there are more people of childbearing age in Karnataka, which contributes to the state’s high population growth rate.

Another factor that contributes to Karnataka’s high population growth rate is that the state has a relatively high fertility rate. The total fertility rate in Karnataka is 2.1 children per woman, which is higher than the national total fertility rate of 2.0 children per woman. This means that women in Karnataka are having more children on average than women in India as a whole.

Finally, Karnataka also has a relatively high net migration rate. This means that more people are moving into the state than are moving out of the state. This contributes to the state’s high population growth rate.

Karnataka’s high population growth rate has a number of implications for the state. One implication is that the state’s infrastructure will need to be expanded to accommodate the growing population. This includes things like roads, schools, hospitals, and housing.

Another implication of Karnataka’s high population growth rate is that the state’s economy will need to grow to provide jobs for the growing population. This will require the state to invest in education and training, as well as in industries that can create jobs.

Finally, Karnataka’s high population growth rate also has environmental implications. The state’s natural resources, such as water and land, will need to be managed carefully to ensure that they are not overused.