In which school of Muslim, Muta marriage is recognized ?

Ithana Asharia School
Hanafi School
Zayd School
Ismaili School

The correct answer is (c). Muta marriage is a temporary marriage that is recognized by the Zaydi school of Islam. It is not recognized by the other three schools of Islam: Ithana Asharia, Hanafi, and Ismaili.

Muta marriage is a type of marriage that is limited in time. It is a contract between a man and a woman in which they agree to live together for a specified period of time, usually a few months or years. The man pays the woman a dowry, and the woman is entitled to maintenance from the man during the marriage. At the end of the contract, the couple is free to go their separate ways.

Muta marriage is controversial among Muslims. Some Muslims believe that it is a legitimate form of marriage, while others believe that it is a form of prostitution. The four schools of Sunni Islam have different views on muta marriage. The Hanafi, Maliki, and Shafi’i schools do not recognize muta marriage, while the Hanbali school does.

The Zaydi school of Islam is a minority school of Islam that is followed by about 5% of Muslims. The Zaydis are concentrated in Yemen, where they are the majority religious group. The Zaydis recognize muta marriage, and it is a common practice in Yemen.

I hope this helps!

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