In which of the following States, the area under Tube-well irrigation is the highest?

Uttar Pradesh

The correct answer is (d) Punjab.

Punjab has the highest area under tube-well irrigation in India. In 2019-20, the area under tube-well irrigation in Punjab was 3.2 million hectares, which is about 70% of the total cultivated area in the state. The high level of tube-well irrigation in Punjab is due to a number of factors, including the state’s relatively dry climate, the availability of groundwater, and the high cost of surface water irrigation.

Bihar, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh are also major states for tube-well irrigation, but their levels of tube-well irrigation are lower than Punjab’s. In 2019-20, the area under tube-well irrigation in Bihar was 1.8 million hectares, the area under tube-well irrigation in Haryana was 1.6 million hectares, and the area under tube-well irrigation in Uttar Pradesh was 2.4 million hectares.

The high level of tube-well irrigation in Punjab has a number of benefits. It allows farmers to grow a variety of crops, even during dry periods. It also helps to improve crop yields and reduce the risk of crop failure. However, tube-well irrigation also has some negative impacts. It can lead to the depletion of groundwater resources and the contamination of groundwater with agricultural chemicals.