In Visual Basic . . . . . . . . is used for coding single-alternative and dual-alternative selection structures.

If...Then...Else statement
Switch-Case block
function overloading

The correct answer is: A. If…Then…Else statement

An If…Then…Else statement is used to control the flow of execution in a program. It allows you to specify what should happen if a condition is true or false.

The syntax for an If…Then…Else statement is as follows:

If condition Then
statements to be executed if the condition is true
statements to be executed if the condition is false

For example, the following If…Then…Else statement will print “The number is even” if the number is even, and “The number is odd” if the number is odd:

If number % 2 = 0 Then
Print "The number is even"
Print "The number is odd"

A Switch-Case block is used to select one of several possible actions based on the value of a variable.

The syntax for a Switch-Case block is as follows:

case value1:
statements to be executed if the expression is equal to value1
case value2:
statements to be executed if the expression is equal to value2
// ...
statements to be executed if the expression is not equal to any of the specified values

For example, the following Switch-Case block will print “The number is 1” if the number is 1, “The number is 2” if the number is 2, and “The number is not 1 or 2” if the number is not 1 or 2:

case 1:
Print "The number is 1"
case 2:
Print "The number is 2"
Print "The number is not 1 or 2"

Recursion is a programming technique in which a function calls itself.

Function overloading is a programming technique in which a function can have multiple definitions with different parameters.

I hope this helps!

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