In India the largest area of Saline soil is found in the State of

Uttar Pradesh

The correct answer is (c) Gujarat.

Gujarat has the largest area of saline soil in India. Saline soils are soils that have a high concentration of salts, which can make them difficult to grow crops on. The main cause of saline soils is the accumulation of salts from irrigation water, which can occur when the water evaporates and leaves behind the salts. Other causes of saline soils include poor drainage, high evaporation rates, and the use of saline fertilizers.

Saline soils can have a number of negative effects on plants, including reduced growth, stunted root development, and chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves). In severe cases, saline soils can make it impossible to grow any crops.

There are a number of ways to manage saline soils, including:

  • Drainage: Improving drainage can help to reduce the accumulation of salts in the soil.
  • Irrigation: Using less saline water for irrigation can help to reduce the salt content of the soil.
  • Salinity control amendments: Adding gypsum or other amendments to the soil can help to reduce the salt content.
  • Crop selection: Choosing salt-tolerant crops can help to reduce the impact of saline soils.

Saline soils are a major problem in many parts of the world, including India. However, there are a number of ways to manage saline soils, which can help to improve crop yields and reduce the impact of salinity on the environment.

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