In a Rule based classifier, If there is a rule for each combination of attribute values, what do you called that rule set R

mutually exclusive

The correct answer is: A. exhaustive

An exhaustive rule set is a rule set that contains a rule for each combination of attribute values. This means that for every possible combination of attribute values, there is a rule in the rule set that specifies the class of the instance with that combination of attribute values.

An inclusive rule set is a rule set that contains a rule for each possible class. This means that for every possible class, there is a rule in the rule set that specifies the set of attribute values that are associated with that class.

A comprehensive rule set is a rule set that contains a rule for each possible instance. This means that for every possible instance, there is a rule in the rule set that specifies the class of that instance.

A mutually exclusive rule set is a rule set that contains rules that are mutually exclusive. This means that no two rules in the rule set can have the same antecedent and different consequents.

In a rule based classifier, if there is a rule for each combination of attribute values, then the rule set is exhaustive. This is because for every possible combination of attribute values, there is a rule in the rule set that specifies the class of the instance with that combination of attribute values.

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