In a R-L-C circuit

Power is consumed in resistance and is equal to IR
Exchange of power takes place between inductor and supply line
Exchange of power takes place between capacitor and supply line
All above are correct

The correct answer is D. All above are correct.

In an R-L-C circuit, power is consumed in resistance and is equal to IR. This is because the resistance is the only element in the circuit that dissipates energy. The inductor and capacitor store energy, but they do not dissipate it. The exchange of power takes place between the inductor and the supply line, and between the capacitor and the supply line. This is because the inductor and capacitor have reactive impedance, which means that they oppose the flow of current. The current in the circuit is therefore constantly changing, and this causes the inductor and capacitor to alternately store and release energy.

Here is a more detailed explanation of each option:

  • Option A: Power is consumed in resistance and is equal to IR. This is because the resistance is the only element in the circuit that dissipates energy. The inductor and capacitor store energy, but they do not dissipate it. The power dissipated in a resistor is given by the equation $P = I^2R$, where $I$ is the current through the resistor and $R$ is the resistance of the resistor.
  • Option B: Exchange of power takes place between inductor and supply line. This is because the inductor has reactive impedance, which means that it opposes the flow of current. The current in the circuit is therefore constantly changing, and this causes the inductor to alternately store and release energy. When the inductor stores energy, it takes power from the supply line. When the inductor releases energy, it supplies power to the supply line.
  • Option C: Exchange of power takes place between capacitor and supply line. This is because the capacitor has reactive impedance, which means that it opposes the flow of current. The current in the circuit is therefore constantly changing, and this causes the capacitor to alternately store and release energy. When the capacitor stores energy, it takes power from the supply line. When the capacitor releases energy, it supplies power to the supply line.