Impacts of migration on sending communities in Manipur might include:

Changes in family structures
Increased dependency on remittances
Labor shortages
All of the above

The impacts of migration on sending communities in Manipur might include:

  • Changes in family structures: When people migrate, they often leave behind their families and friends. This can lead to changes in family structures, as people may have to take on new roles or responsibilities. For example, if a father migrates to work in another country, the mother may have to take on the role of breadwinner. This can be a difficult adjustment for both parents and children.
  • Increased dependency on remittances: Remittances are money that migrants send back to their families in their home countries. In many cases, remittances are a major source of income for families in sending communities. This can lead to increased dependency on remittances, as families may come to rely on them for their basic needs. However, remittances can also have a negative impact on sending communities, as they can discourage people from working and investing in their own communities.
  • Labor shortages: When people migrate, they often leave behind jobs that need to be filled. This can lead to labor shortages in sending communities. Labor shortages can make it difficult for businesses to operate and can also lead to higher prices for goods and services.

All of these impacts can have a significant impact on sending communities. It is important to be aware of these impacts so that we can develop policies and programs to mitigate them.