If a student does not pay any respect to you, then you will

Ignore him
Award less marks in examination
Talk to his/her parents
Rebuke him

The correct answer is: Talk to his/her parents.

If a student does not pay any respect to me, I will talk to his/her parents. This is because I believe that parents play a vital role in shaping their children’s behavior. By talking to the parents, I can get a better understanding of the situation and work with them to find a solution. I can also explain to the parents the importance of teaching their children to respect others.

Ignoring the student is not a good option because it will not solve the problem. The student will continue to behave disrespectfully if he/she does not receive any consequences for his/her actions. Awarding less marks in examination is also not a good option because it will only punish the student academically. It will not address the root of the problem, which is the student’s lack of respect. Rebuking the student is also not a good option because it could escalate the situation and make the student more disrespectful.

Talking to the student’s parents is the best option because it is the most likely to solve the problem. By talking to the parents, I can get a better understanding of the situation and work with them to find a solution. I can also explain to the parents the importance of teaching their children to respect others.

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