Hi-tech horticulture techniques like hydroponics and polyhouse cultivation are:

Widely adopted across Assam
Gaining interest for high-value crops
Primarily used in research settings
Not suitable for Assam's climate

The correct answer is: b) Gaining interest for high-value crops.

Hi-tech horticulture techniques like hydroponics and polyhouse cultivation are gaining interest for high-value crops in Assam. This is because these techniques can help to improve the quality and yield of crops, even in difficult growing conditions. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Polyhouse cultivation is a type of greenhouse cultivation that uses plastic films or sheets to cover the crops. Both of these techniques can help to protect crops from pests, diseases, and extreme weather conditions. They can also help to improve the efficiency of water use and the use of fertilizers.

Option a) is incorrect because hi-tech horticulture techniques are not yet widely adopted across Assam. Option c) is incorrect because these techniques are not primarily used in research settings. Option d) is incorrect because these techniques are suitable for Assam’s climate.