12 principles
14 techniques
14 principles
15 principles
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
Henry Fayol laid down 14 principles of management. These principles are:
- Division of work: Work should be divided into specialized tasks so that each worker can focus on a specific area of expertise.
- Authority and responsibility: Authority should be commensurate with responsibility, and managers should be held accountable for the actions of their subordinates.
- Discipline: Employees should obey orders and rules, and managers should enforce discipline fairly and consistently.
- Unity of command: Each employee should receive orders from only one superior.
- Unity of direction: All activities within an organization should be directed towards a common goal.
- Subordination of individual interests to the general interest: The interests of the organization should take precedence over the interests of any individual or group.
- Remuneration: Employees should be paid fairly for their work.
- Centralization: The degree of centralization of authority should be appropriate for the size and complexity of the organization.
- Scalar chain: A clear line of authority should exist from the top to the bottom of the organization.
- Order: Materials and people should be in their proper place at all times.
- Equity: Managers should be fair and just in their dealings with employees.
- Stability of tenure of personnel: Employees should be given a reasonable amount of job security.
- Initiative: Employees should be encouraged to take initiative and be creative in their work.
- Esprit de corps: A spirit of unity and cooperation should exist among employees.
Fayol’s principles of management are still relevant today, and they provide a foundation for effective management practice.