He was initially . . . . . . . . at the suggestion but was soon . . . . . . . . it himself.

frowning , rejecting
shocked , advocating
impressed , negating
thrilled , propagating E. suspicious , trusting

The correct answer is: A. frowning, rejecting.

The first word in the blank should be a word that describes the man’s initial reaction to the suggestion. The second word in the blank should be a word that describes the man’s eventual reaction to the suggestion.

Of the five options, only A, frowning, rejecting, makes sense. The man was initially frowning, or displeased, at the suggestion. However, he was soon rejecting, or refusing, the suggestion.

B, shocked, advocating, does not make sense. The man was not shocked by the suggestion, and he did not advocate for it.

C, impressed, negating, does not make sense. The man was not impressed by the suggestion, and he did not negate, or deny, it.

D, thrilled, propagating, does not make sense. The man was not thrilled by the suggestion, and he did not propagate, or spread, it.

E, suspicious, trusting, does not make sense. The man was not suspicious of the suggestion, and he did not trust it.