Function used for linear regression in R is

lm(formula, data)
lr(formula, data)
lrm(formula, data)
regression.linear(formula, data)

The correct answer is A. lm(formula, data).

lm() is a function in the R programming language that is used to perform linear regression. It takes two arguments: a formula and a data frame. The formula specifies the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables, and the data frame contains the data for the variables.

For example, the following code performs linear regression on the data in the data frame cars to predict the mpg (miles per gallon) of a car based on its weight (wt):

lm(mpg ~ wt, data = cars)

The output of this code is a list of objects, including the coefficients of the linear regression model. The coefficient of the weight variable is 0.0625, which means that for every additional 100 pounds of weight, the mpg of a car is expected to decrease by 0.625 miles per gallon.

The other options are incorrect because they are not functions in the R programming language that are used to perform linear regression.

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