Fisherfolk in Tamil Nadu often face challenges like:

Depleting fish stocks
Natural disasters
Competition from large trawlers
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

Fisherfolk in Tamil Nadu often face challenges like:

  • Depleting fish stocks: The fish population in the seas around Tamil Nadu has been declining in recent years due to overfishing, pollution, and climate change. This has made it more difficult for fisherfolk to catch enough fish to support their families.
  • Natural disasters: Tamil Nadu is located in a region that is prone to natural disasters such as cyclones, floods, and droughts. These disasters can damage fishing boats and equipment, destroy fish habitats, and disrupt fishing communities.
  • Competition from large trawlers: Large trawlers are often equipped with more powerful engines and nets than small fishing boats. This gives them an advantage in catching fish, and can make it difficult for small-scale fisherfolk to compete.

These challenges have made it difficult for fisherfolk in Tamil Nadu to make a living from fishing. Many have been forced to leave their traditional way of life and find other means of employment.