Financial security issued by banks operating outside U.S is classified as

dollar bonds
euro deposits
Eurodollar market deposits
euro bonds

The correct answer is: D. Eurobonds

Eurobonds are bonds issued by a borrower outside the country in whose currency the bond is denominated. They are typically sold in a number of countries and are not subject to the regulations of any single country. Eurobonds are often issued by multinational corporations or governments.

Dollar bonds are bonds denominated in US dollars, but issued by a borrower outside the United States. They are typically sold in the United States and are subject to US regulations.

Euro deposits are deposits held in banks outside the country of the depositor. They are typically denominated in euros, but can be denominated in other currencies. Euro deposits are not subject to the regulations of the country of the depositor.

The Eurodollar market is a market for Eurodollars. It is an over-the-counter market, meaning that it is not traded on an exchange. The Eurodollar market is a major source of funding for banks and other financial institutions.

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