Factors affecting food availability in Meghalaya include:

Climate variability and natural disasters
Limited market access
Post-harvest losses
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above.

Meghalayan farmers are highly vulnerable to climate variability and natural disasters. The state is prone to floods, landslides, and droughts, which can damage crops and livestock. In addition, the state’s mountainous terrain makes it difficult to access markets, which can lead to higher prices for food. Finally, post-harvest losses are a major problem in Meghalaya, due to poor storage and transportation facilities. As a result of these factors, food availability in Meghalaya is often limited.

Climate variability and natural disasters can have a devastating impact on food production in Meghalaya. Floods can wash away crops, landslides can destroy fields, and droughts can kill livestock. In 2018, for example, floods and landslides caused an estimated $1 billion in damage to crops and infrastructure in Meghalaya. This damage led to a shortage of food and a sharp increase in prices.

Limited market access is another major factor that affects food availability in Meghalaya. The state’s mountainous terrain makes it difficult to transport food to markets, which can lead to higher prices. In addition, the state’s small population means that there is a limited demand for food, which can also lead to higher prices. As a result, many people in Meghalaya cannot afford to buy enough food.

Post-harvest losses are also a major problem in Meghalaya. Poor storage and transportation facilities mean that a significant amount of food is lost after it is harvested. This loss of food can lead to shortages and higher prices. In 2017, for example, it was estimated that 20% of the food produced in Meghalaya was lost after harvest.

As a result of these factors, food availability in Meghalaya is often limited. This can lead to food insecurity and malnutrition, especially among the poor and vulnerable.