Extracting XML is the basis for most web scraping.


The correct answer is: False.

Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites. This can be done using a variety of methods, including using a web scraping tool, writing a custom script, or using a web browser’s developer tools.

XML is a markup language that is used to store and exchange data. It is not the basis for most web scraping. In fact, XML is not commonly used for web scraping because it is not a very efficient format for storing data.

The most common format for web scraping is HTML. HTML is the markup language that is used to create web pages. It is a very efficient format for storing data because it is a text-based format. This means that it can be easily parsed by computers.

Other common formats for web scraping include JSON and CSV. JSON is a data interchange format that is based on JavaScript. It is a lightweight format that is easy to parse. CSV is a Comma-Separated Values format. It is a simple format that is used to store data in a tabular format.

In conclusion, the correct answer is: False. Extracting XML is not the basis for most web scraping.

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