Evidence of large-scale rice cultivation in prehistoric Bihar indicates:

Social organization
Food surplus
Technological advancement
All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above.

Evidence of large-scale rice cultivation in prehistoric Bihar indicates that the people of that time had developed a complex social organization, as well as the ability to produce a surplus of food. This surplus food allowed them to support a larger population and to develop specialized occupations, such as farming, pottery, and metalworking. The technological advancements that were necessary for large-scale rice cultivation included the development of irrigation systems, the use of draft animals, and the development of new tools and techniques for processing rice.

Social organization is the way in which a group of people is structured and how they interact with each other. It includes the way in which power is distributed, the way in which decisions are made, and the way in which people are grouped together. A complex social organization is one that is characterized by a high degree of specialization and division of labor. This means that there are many different roles and responsibilities within the society, and that people are not all expected to do the same things.

Food surplus is the amount of food that is produced in excess of what is needed to feed the people who produce it. A food surplus allows a society to support a larger population, as well as to develop specialized occupations. It also allows people to store food for times of famine or drought.

Technological advancement is the development of new tools, techniques, and processes. Technological advancements can lead to improvements in efficiency, productivity, and quality of life. They can also lead to new products and services, and to new ways of doing things.

In the case of rice cultivation, technological advancements included the development of irrigation systems, the use of draft animals, and the development of new tools and techniques for processing rice. Irrigation systems allow farmers to grow rice in areas where there is not enough rainfall. Draft animals can be used to plow fields and to transport rice. New tools and techniques for processing rice can help to improve the quality of rice and to make it easier to store and transport.

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