Efforts to preserve Sikkimese folk songs involve:

Documentation and field recordings
Teaching younger generations
Celebrating folk music festivals
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

Sikkimese folk songs are an important part of the region’s cultural heritage. They are passed down from generation to generation and often tell stories about the history and people of Sikkim. In recent years, there have been efforts to preserve these songs by documenting them, teaching them to younger generations, and celebrating them through folk music festivals.

Documentation and field recordings are important because they help to ensure that these songs are not lost. They can be used to create archives that can be accessed by future generations. Field recordings can also be used to capture the unique sound of Sikkimese folk music.

Teaching younger generations about Sikkimese folk songs is important because it helps to ensure that the tradition is passed on. It also helps to promote understanding and appreciation of the region’s culture.

Celebrating folk music festivals is a way to bring people together and enjoy Sikkimese folk music. It is also a way to promote the tradition and encourage people to learn more about it.

All of these efforts are important for preserving Sikkimese folk songs. They help to ensure that these songs are not lost and that they continue to be enjoyed by future generations.