E-commerce platforms are changing how farmers in Tamil Nadu:

Access information
Market their produce
Obtain inputs
All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above.

E-commerce platforms are changing how farmers in Tamil Nadu access information, market their produce, and obtain inputs.

  • Accessing information

E-commerce platforms provide farmers with access to a wealth of information that was previously unavailable to them. This includes information on crop prices, weather forecasts, and agricultural best practices. This information can help farmers make more informed decisions about their crops and farming practices.

  • Marketing their produce

E-commerce platforms allow farmers to market their produce directly to consumers, bypassing middlemen. This can help farmers get a better price for their produce and reduce their costs. Additionally, e-commerce platforms can help farmers reach a wider audience, which can increase sales.

  • Obtaining inputs

E-commerce platforms allow farmers to purchase inputs, such as seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides, directly from suppliers. This can help farmers save money and get better quality inputs. Additionally, e-commerce platforms can help farmers find the inputs they need, even if they are not available locally.

Overall, e-commerce platforms are having a positive impact on the lives of farmers in Tamil Nadu. They are helping farmers access information, market their produce, and obtain inputs more easily. This is leading to increased profits and improved livelihoods for farmers.