. . . . . . . . displays an input dialog box containing a message, Ok and Cancel button and an input area.

Inputbox function
Inbox function
Dialogbox function
In function

The correct answer is: Inputbox function.

The Inputbox function displays an input dialog box containing a message, Ok and Cancel button and an input area. The user can enter a value in the input area and click on the Ok button to return the value to the calling procedure. The Cancel button can be used to cancel the input and return an empty string.

The syntax of the Inputbox function is:

Inputbox(prompt, title, default)


  • prompt is the text that is displayed in the dialog box.
  • title is the title of the dialog box.
  • default is the default value that is displayed in the input area.

The Inputbox function returns the value that the user entered in the input area, or an empty string if the Cancel button was clicked.

The Inbox function is not a valid function in Excel.

The Dialogbox function is a VBA function that displays a dialog box. The dialog box can contain a variety of controls, such as buttons, text boxes, and list boxes. The Dialogbox function returns the value of the control that the user clicked on.

The In function is a VBA function that returns True if the value is contained in the list, False if it is not.

Here is an example of how to use the Inputbox function:

‘Declare a variable to store the value entered by the user
Dim value As String

‘Display the input dialog box
value = InputBox(“Enter a value:”, “Input Box”)

‘Print the value entered by the user
MsgBox “You entered ” & value

In this example, the Inputbox function displays a dialog box with the message “Enter a value:” and the title “Input Box”. The user can enter a value in the input area and click on the Ok button to return the value to the calling procedure. The Cancel button can be used to cancel the input and return an empty string.

The value entered by the user is stored in the variable value. The MsgBox function is used to print the value entered by the user to the screen.

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