Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statements : Money plays a vital role in politics. Conclusions : I. The poor can never become politicians. II. All the rich men take part in politics.

Only conclusion I follows
Only conclusion II follows
Either I or II follows
Neither I nor II follows E. Both I and II follow

The correct answer is: D. Neither I nor II follows.

The statement “Money plays a vital role in politics” does not imply that the poor can never become politicians, nor does it imply that all rich men take part in politics. It is possible for poor people to become politicians, and it is also possible for rich people to not be interested in politics.

Conclusion I: The poor can never become politicians.

This conclusion does not follow from the statement. The statement only says that money plays a vital role in politics, not that it is the only factor that matters. There are many other factors that can contribute to a person’s success in politics, such as charisma, intelligence, and experience. It is possible for a poor person to overcome their lack of money and become a successful politician if they have the other necessary qualities.

Conclusion II: All rich men take part in politics.

This conclusion also does not follow from the statement. The statement only says that money plays a vital role in politics, not that it is the only factor that matters. There are many other factors that can contribute to a person’s involvement in politics, such as interest, motivation, and opportunity. It is possible for a rich person to not be interested in politics, or to not have the opportunity to get involved.

In conclusion, neither conclusion I nor II follows from the statement.

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