Different Sufi schools or orders in India were known as


The correct answer is: C. Silsilahs.

A silsilah () is a Sufi order or chain of spiritual transmission. It is a lineage of teachers and disciples, each of whom has been initiated into the order by their predecessor. The silsilah is said to be a living tradition, passed down from master to disciple over the generations.

The silsilah is an important part of Sufi practice. It provides a framework for spiritual development, and it helps to connect Sufis to their spiritual heritage. The silsilah also provides a sense of community and belonging for Sufis.

There are many different silsilahs in the world, each with its own unique teachings and practices. Some of the most well-known silsilahs include the Naqshbandi, Chishti, and Suhrawardi silsilahs.

Khangahs, Qalandars, and Darveshs are all terms that are sometimes used to refer to Sufis. However, they do not have the same meaning as silsilah.

A khangah is a Sufi lodge or monastery. It is a place where Sufis can live and practice their religion. Qalandars are a type of Sufi who live a wandering, ascetic lifestyle. Darveshs are a type of Sufi who are known for their poverty and humility.

In conclusion, the correct answer to the question “Different Sufi schools or orders in India were known as” is C. Silsilahs.

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