Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya and Sambhogakaya are: A. Buddhist Concepts. B. Jainism Concept C. Hinduism Concept D. Sikhism Concept

Buddhist Concepts.
Jainism Concept
Hinduism Concept
Sikhism Concept

The correct answer is: A. Buddhist Concepts.

Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya and Sambhogakaya are three bodies of Buddhahood in Mahayana Buddhism.

  • Dharmakaya is the absolute, unconditioned, and transcendent body of Buddhahood. It is the true nature of all things, which is empty of self and duality.
  • Nirmanakaya is the physical body of Buddhahood, which is manifested in the world to teach and liberate beings.
  • Sambhogakaya is the body of bliss, which is experienced by those who have attained enlightenment.

Jainism does not have a concept of Buddhahood. Hinduism has a concept of Brahman, which is the ultimate reality, but it is not the same as the Dharmakaya. Sikhism does not have a concept of Buddhahood.

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