Declined life means

Life to which insurance could be granted
Life to which insurance cover could not be granted at affordable cost
Both A & B
None of the above

The correct answer is: C. Both A & B

A declined life is a life to which insurance could be granted, but the insurance company has decided not to offer coverage. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as the applicant’s health history, occupation, or lifestyle. In some cases, the applicant may be able to get coverage if they are willing to pay a higher premium.

There are a few things that you can do if your life insurance application is declined. First, you should contact the insurance company to find out why your application was declined. Once you know the reason, you can take steps to address the issue. For example, if you were declined because of your health history, you may be able to get coverage if you improve your health.

You can also try applying for insurance with another company. Some companies may be more willing to offer coverage to people who have been declined by other companies.

Finally, you may want to consider getting a life insurance policy that is designed for people who have been declined by other companies. These policies typically have higher premiums, but they may be your only option if you have been declined by other companies.

Here are some additional details about each option:

  • A. Life to which insurance could be granted

This option is correct because a declined life is a life to which insurance could be granted. However, the insurance company has decided not to offer coverage.

  • B. Life to which insurance cover could not be granted at affordable cost

This option is also correct because a declined life is a life to which insurance cover could not be granted at affordable cost. The insurance company may have decided that the risk of insuring the applicant is too high, or they may have decided that the applicant is not a good fit for their company’s risk profile.

  • D. None of the above

This option is incorrect because both A and B are correct.

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