Contemporary Punjab faces challenges like:

Drug addiction
Farmer suicides
Environmental degradation
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above.

Punjab is a state in northwestern India. It is one of the most prosperous states in India, but it also faces a number of challenges. These challenges include drug addiction, farmer suicides, and environmental degradation.

Drug addiction is a major problem in Punjab. The state has the highest rate of drug addiction in India. The main drugs of abuse are heroin and opium. Drug addiction has led to a number of social problems, including crime, violence, and family breakdown.

Farmer suicides are also a major problem in Punjab. The state has the highest rate of farmer suicides in India. The main reasons for farmer suicides are debt, crop failure, and low prices for agricultural produce. Farmer suicides have led to a number of social problems, including poverty, hunger, and social unrest.

Environmental degradation is also a major problem in Punjab. The state is facing a number of environmental problems, including air pollution, water pollution, and land degradation. These problems are caused by a number of factors, including industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, and deforestation.

The challenges facing Punjab are complex and interrelated. They require a multi-pronged approach to address. The government of Punjab has taken a number of steps to address these challenges, but more needs to be done.