Comparing Mizoram’s HDI with other Northeast Indian states can provide insights into:

Regional disparities
Best practices
Areas for collaboration
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above.

Comparing Mizoram’s HDI with other Northeast Indian states can provide insights into:

  • Regional disparities. By comparing the HDI of different states, we can see how they compare in terms of human development. This can help us to identify areas where there are disparities in development, and to target resources to those areas.
  • Best practices. By looking at the states with the highest HDI, we can identify what they are doing well and learn from their success. This can help us to improve the HDI of other states.
  • Areas for collaboration. By comparing the HDI of different states, we can identify areas where there is potential for collaboration. This can help us to improve the HDI of all states.

For example, Mizoram has a higher HDI than most other Northeast Indian states. This suggests that Mizoram is doing something right in terms of human development. We can learn from Mizoram’s success and apply it to other states in the region. Additionally, there are some areas where Mizoram could improve its HDI, such as in education and health. By collaborating with other states, Mizoram could learn from their best practices and improve its own HDI.