1. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : Because of the large number of potholes in road X, reaching airport in time has become difficult. Assumptions : I. Reaching airport in time may not be always necessary. II. There is no other convenient road to the airport.

Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : Because of the large number of potholes in road X, reaching airport in time has become difficult. Assumptions : I. Reaching airport in time may not be always necessary. II. There is no other convenient road to the airport.

2. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : “Private property, trespassers will be prosecuted” – A notice on a plot of land. Assumptions : I. The passerby may read the notice and may not trespass. II. The people are scared of prosecution.

Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : “Private property, trespassers will be prosecuted” – A notice on a plot of land. Assumptions : I. The passerby may read the notice and may not trespass. II. The people are scared of prosecution.

3. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : “It has become a necessity to computerize all the functions of our Institute to maintain the present position.” – A statement of the Director of XYZ Institute. Assumptions : I. Unless computerized, the Institute will fall behind the race. II. The functions of the Institute are too complex to be handled manually.

Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : “It has become a necessity to computerize all the functions of our Institute to maintain the present position.” – A statement of the Director of XYZ Institute. Assumptions : I. Unless computerized, the Institute will fall behind the race. II. The functions of the Institute are too complex to be handled manually.

4. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of a school has informed the Principal that they will not send their children to the school unless the school – authority reduces the fees with immediate effect. Assumptions : I. Majority of the parents may agree with the PTA and may not send their wards to the school II. The school authority may accede to the demand of the PTA and reduce the fees.

Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of a school has informed the Principal that they will not send their children to the school unless the school – authority reduces the fees with immediate effect. Assumptions : I. Majority of the parents may agree with the PTA and may not send their wards to the school II. The school authority may accede to the demand of the PTA and reduce the fees.

5. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : “To buy a X – T.V, contact Y – the sole agent of X-T.V.” – An advertisement. Assumptions : I. People generally prefer to buy T.V. through sole agent. II. The T.V. producing companies do not sell their products directly.

Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : “To buy a X – T.V, contact Y – the sole agent of X-T.V.” – An advertisement. Assumptions : I. People generally prefer to buy T.V. through sole agent. II. The T.V. producing companies do not sell their products directly.

6. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by three conclusions. Give answer : Statement : Quality of life of a person is not dependent only on his wealth. Assumptions : I. The aim of most people is just to acquire more wealth. II. There are some factors other than wealth which contribute to the quality of life. III. Wealth does not contribute to the quality of life at all.

Only I is implicit
Only I and II are implicit
Only II is implicit
Only II and III are implicit E. Only I and III are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by three conclusions. Give answer : Statement : Quality of life of a person is not dependent only on his wealth. Assumptions : I. The aim of most people is just to acquire more wealth. II. There are some factors other than wealth which contribute to the quality of life. III. Wealth does not contribute to the quality of life at all.

7. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : Provide mid-day meals to the children in primary schools to increase the number of students attending schools. Assumptions : I. Mid-day meals will attract the children to the schools. II. Those children who are otherwise deprived of good food will attend the schools.

Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : Provide mid-day meals to the children in primary schools to increase the number of students attending schools. Assumptions : I. Mid-day meals will attract the children to the schools. II. Those children who are otherwise deprived of good food will attend the schools.

8. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : The Principal instructed all the teachers to be careful in class because some students may disturb other students. Assumptions : I. The teachers will handle the situation properly and they will point out the naughty students. II. The students will welcome the decision of the Principal.

Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : The Principal instructed all the teachers to be careful in class because some students may disturb other students. Assumptions : I. The teachers will handle the situation properly and they will point out the naughty students. II. The students will welcome the decision of the Principal.

9. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : What a fool I am to rely on trickster like Shaleen ! Assumptions : I. Shaleen is unreliable. II. I am a fool.

Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : What a fool I am to rely on trickster like Shaleen ! Assumptions : I. Shaleen is unreliable. II. I am a fool.

10. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : “To keep myself up-to-date, I always listen to 9.00 p.m. news on radio.”- A candidate tells the interview board. Assumptions : I. The candidate does not read newspaper. II. Recent news is broadcast only on radio.

Only assumption I is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit
Either I or II is implicit
Neither I nor II is implicit E. Both I and II are implicit

Detailed SolutionDirections : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer : Statement : “To keep myself up-to-date, I always listen to 9.00 p.m. news on radio.”- A candidate tells the interview board. Assumptions : I. The candidate does not read newspaper. II. Recent news is broadcast only on radio.