Detailed SolutionChandra Bhushan is associated with which of the following sports in Bihar?
Bihar state GK MCQ
Lawn tennis
Weight lifting
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
132. Which of the following features is false about Piedmont soil?
rich in organic content
high clay concentration
good for rice crops
mostly found in South Bihar plain
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
Detailed SolutionWhich of the following features is false about Piedmont soil?
133. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? List I List II a. Dharwar rocks gneiss, schist b. Vindhyan rocks alluvium c. Tertiary rocks limestone, shale d. Quaternary rocks phyllite, quartzite
134. Which of the following statements is false about Karma dance?
It is performed by tribes mainly.
It is mainly done at crop sowing and crop harvesting time.
It is to please Lord Karma.
All of the above
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
Detailed SolutionWhich of the following statements is false about Karma dance?
135. Expansion of Tarai Region in Bihar is –
Parallel to the north bank of Chotanagpur plateau
Parallel to the India - Nepal boundary
Parallel to the east bank of Rohtas plateau
Parallel to the west boundary of Rajmahal mountain series
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
136. Terai region forests are found in which of the following districts?
All of these
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
Detailed SolutionTerai region forests are found in which of the following districts?
137. What percentage of the total mineral production in thecountry is found in Bihar?
approx 36%
approx 60%
approx 16%
none of the above
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
Detailed SolutionWhat percentage of the total mineral production in thecountry is found in Bihar?
138. With a view to production, next crop after Rice is –
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
Detailed SolutionWith a view to production, next crop after Rice is –
139. Which district has recorded the highest Literary Rate in Bihar, as per the Census of 2011?
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
140. Which of the following city is located in the easternmost part of Bihar?
Answer is Wrong!
Answer is Right!
Detailed SolutionWhich of the following city is located in the easternmost part of Bihar?