Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha together are known as


The correct answer is A. Triratna.

The Triratna, also known as the Three Jewels, is a Buddhist concept that refers to the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha. The Buddha is the founder of Buddhism, the Dhamma is the teachings of the Buddha, and the Sangha is the community of Buddhist monks and nuns.

The Triratna is considered to be the refuge of Buddhists. It is said that by taking refuge in the Triratna, Buddhists can be freed from suffering.

B. Trivarga refers to the three goals of life in Hinduism: dharma, artha, and kama. Dharma is the right way of living, artha is material wealth, and kama is pleasure.

C. Trisarga refers to the three paths to liberation in Jainism: right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct.

D. Trimurti refers to the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver, and Shiva is the destroyer.