The correct answer is: A. DOM
DOM stands for Destination Origin Matrix. It is a table that shows the number of seats available on a flight for each origin and destination pair. The DOM is used to determine the booked speed, which is the average speed at which seats are sold on a flight.
The COM stands for Capacity On Modification. It is the number of seats that can be added or removed from a flight after it has been scheduled. The COM is used to determine the available speed, which is the maximum speed at which seats can be sold on a flight.
The AOM stands for Actual On Modification. It is the number of seats that are actually added or removed from a flight after it has been scheduled. The AOM is used to determine the actual speed, which is the speed at which seats are sold on a flight.
The DOM is the most important factor in determining the booked speed. The COM and AOM are less important, but they can still have a significant impact on the booked speed.
For example, if a flight has a DOM of 100 seats and a COM of 20 seats, then the available speed is 120 seats. However, if the AOM is only 80 seats, then the actual speed is only 80 seats. This means that the booked speed will be lower than the available speed.
The booked speed is important because it is used to determine the revenue that a flight will generate. The higher the booked speed, the more revenue the flight will generate.