Bihar State has the highest number of people below the poverty line due to –

failure of Land reforms
lack of political will
large number of labour class
all of these

The correct answer is D. all of these.

Bihar has the highest number of people below the poverty line in India. The reasons for this are complex and interrelated, but some of the key factors include:

  • Failure of land reforms: Land reforms were initiated in India in the early 1950s in an effort to redistribute land from the wealthy landowners to the poor peasants. However, these reforms were largely unsuccessful in Bihar, due to a combination of factors, including corruption, political opposition, and lack of implementation. As a result, the vast majority of land in Bihar is still owned by a small number of wealthy families, while the majority of the population is landless or owns very small plots of land. This has made it difficult for the poor to earn a living from agriculture, and has contributed to high levels of poverty.
  • Lack of political will: There has been a lack of political will to address the problem of poverty in Bihar. This is partly due to the fact that the state has been ruled by a number of corrupt and inefficient governments. In addition, the poor have traditionally been marginalized and ignored by the political process. As a result, there has been little progress in reducing poverty in Bihar.
  • Large number of labour class: Bihar has a large number of people who are employed in the informal sector, such as agriculture, construction, and domestic work. These workers are often paid very low wages and do not have access to basic social security benefits, such as healthcare and education. As a result, they are more likely to live in poverty.

In addition to these factors, Bihar also faces a number of other challenges, such as poor infrastructure, high levels of illiteracy, and social unrest. These challenges have made it difficult to reduce poverty in the state.

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