Assertion (A): The Mughals, particularly Akbar, established a uniform pattern of administration in all provinces. Reason (R): Akbar is greatly indebted to Sher Shah Sur not only in local administration but also in provincial administration

Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
A is true but R is false
A is false but R is true

The correct answer is: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Akbar was greatly indebted to Sher Shah Sur not only in local administration but also in provincial administration. Sher Shah Sur had established a uniform pattern of administration in all provinces of his empire. Akbar adopted this system and made some changes to it to suit his own needs. The main features of Akbar’s system of administration were:

  • A strong central government with the emperor at the top.
  • A hierarchy of officials with the emperor at the top, followed by the provincial governors, the district officers, and the village headmen.
  • A system of revenue collection based on land revenue.
  • A system of justice based on Islamic law.
  • A system of education based on Persian and Arabic.

Akbar’s system of administration was very successful. It helped to bring peace and stability to the Mughal empire. It also helped to promote economic development and cultural progress.

The reason (R) is a correct explanation of the assertion (A) because it provides evidence to support the assertion. The assertion states that the Mughals, particularly Akbar, established a uniform pattern of administration in all provinces. The reason states that Akbar was greatly indebted to Sher Shah Sur not only in local administration but also in provincial administration. This evidence supports the assertion because it shows that Akbar adopted Sher Shah Sur’s system of administration and made some changes to it to suit his own needs.