Assam is located in which time zone?

UTC +4:30
UTC +5:00
UTC +5:30
UTC +6:00

The correct answer is: b) UTC +5:00

Assam is located in the UTC+5:00 time zone, which is 5 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This means that when it is 12:00 noon in UTC, it is 5:00 PM in Assam.

The other options are incorrect because they do not correspond to the actual time zone of Assam. Option a) is UTC+4:30, which is 4 hours ahead of UTC. Option c) is UTC+5:30, which is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of UTC. Option d) is UTC+6:00, which is 6 hours ahead of UTC.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.