As per Census 2011, the population density of Himachal Pradesh is


The correct answer is: C. 153

The population density of Himachal Pradesh is 153 persons per square kilometer. This means that there are 153 people living in every square kilometer of Himachal Pradesh. This is a relatively low population density, compared to other states in India. For example, the population density of Uttar Pradesh is 828 persons per square kilometer, and the population density of Maharashtra is 377 persons per square kilometer.

There are a number of reasons for the low population density of Himachal Pradesh. One reason is that the state is mountainous, and much of the land is not suitable for agriculture or other human activities. Another reason is that the climate in Himachal Pradesh is cold and dry, which makes it difficult to live in some parts of the state.

Despite the low population density, Himachal Pradesh is a beautiful and diverse state. The state is home to a number of different ethnic groups, and there is a rich culture and history. Himachal Pradesh is also a popular tourist destination, due to its natural beauty and its many historical and religious sites.

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