Arunachal Pradesh aims to become a preferred investment destination by:

Creating a conducive business environment
Ease of doing business reforms
Investor facilitation
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

Arunachal Pradesh aims to become a preferred investment destination by creating a conducive business environment, implementing ease of doing business reforms, and providing investor facilitation.

A conducive business environment includes factors such as a stable political and economic environment, a well-developed infrastructure, and a skilled workforce. Arunachal Pradesh has made significant progress in creating a conducive business environment in recent years. The state has a stable political environment and a growing economy. The state government has also made significant investments in infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and power plants. The state also has a young and growing population, which provides a large pool of potential employees.

Ease of doing business reforms are aimed at reducing the time and cost of doing business in a country. Arunachal Pradesh has implemented a number of ease of doing business reforms in recent years, including simplifying the process of registering a business, reducing the number of required permits, and improving the efficiency of the tax system. These reforms have made it easier for businesses to operate in Arunachal Pradesh.

Investor facilitation is the process of providing support and assistance to investors. Arunachal Pradesh has a number of investor facilitation programs in place, including a one-stop shop for investors, a business advisory service, and a venture capital fund. These programs provide investors with the support they need to succeed in Arunachal Pradesh.

By creating a conducive business environment, implementing ease of doing business reforms, and providing investor facilitation, Arunachal Pradesh is well on its way to becoming a preferred investment destination.

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