After the end of Karkota dynasty which dynasty established its rule in Kashmir?

Utpala Dynasty
Lohara Dynasty
Deva Dynasty
All of the above

The correct answer is: D. All of the above

The Utpala dynasty, the Lohara dynasty, and the Deva dynasty were all dynasties that ruled Kashmir after the end of the Karkota dynasty.

The Utpala dynasty ruled Kashmir from 855 to 939 CE. It was founded by Utpala, a minister in the Karkota court. The Utpala dynasty was a Buddhist dynasty, and it was during this time that Buddhism reached its peak in Kashmir.

The Lohara dynasty ruled Kashmir from 939 to 1320 CE. It was founded by Didda, a queen of the Utpala dynasty. The Lohara dynasty was a Hindu dynasty, and it was during this time that Hinduism revived in Kashmir.

The Deva dynasty ruled Kashmir from 1320 to 1339 CE. It was founded by Rinchana, a Tibetan prince. The Deva dynasty was a Buddhist dynasty, and it was during this time that Buddhism declined in Kashmir.

In 1339 CE, the Mongol ruler Timur invaded Kashmir and destroyed the Deva dynasty. After Timur’s invasion, Kashmir was ruled by a number of different dynasties, including the Chak dynasty, the Mughal dynasty, and the Sikh empire.