A small film-plate which is used for microfilming the output from a microcomputer screen is called

film card
COM E. None of the above

The correct answer is: A. microfilm

Microfilm is a thin film of photographic film used to record images. It is typically used to store documents, such as newspapers, magazines, and books. Microfilm can also be used to record images of computer screens.

Microfiche is a type of microfilm that is used to store documents in a smaller format. Microfiche is typically used to store documents that are not needed as often as other documents.

Film card is a type of microfilm that is used to store documents in a even smaller format than microfiche. Film cards are typically used to store documents that are needed very infrequently.

COM stands for Computer Output Microfilm. COM is a process that is used to create microfilm from computer output. COM is typically used to store large amounts of data, such as accounting records or medical records.

None of the above is not the correct answer.

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