A major issue for peasants in Haryana during the colonial period was:

High land revenue demands
Indebtedness to moneylenders
Forced labor
All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above.

High land revenue demands, indebtedness to moneylenders, and forced labor were all major issues for peasants in Haryana during the colonial period.

High land revenue demands were a major burden on peasants. The British government imposed high taxes on land, which made it difficult for peasants to make a living. This led to widespread poverty and indebtedness.

Peasants were also often forced to work for the British government without pay. This forced labor was known as begar. It was used to build roads, canals, and other infrastructure projects.

Indebtedness to moneylenders was another major problem for peasants. Peasants often borrowed money from moneylenders to pay their land taxes or to cover other expenses. However, the interest rates on these loans were very high, and many peasants were unable to repay them. This led to a cycle of debt and poverty.

All of these factors contributed to the difficult lives of peasants in Haryana during the colonial period.

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