A Bull speculator is also called as ___________. A. mandiwala B. tejiwala C. tarawaniwalas D. vaniwalas


The correct answer is A. mandiwala.

A bull speculator is a person who buys a security or commodity in the hope that its price will increase. They are also known as “bulls” because they believe that the market is going up. Mandiwalas are traders who buy and sell agricultural commodities in a mandi, which is a market place for agricultural produce.

Tejiwalas are traders who buy and sell spices. Tarawaniwalas are traders who buy and sell gold and silver. Vaniwalas are traders who buy and sell vegetables.

Bull speculators are often seen as being more aggressive than other types of investors. They are willing to take on more risk in the hope of making a larger profit. However, they can also lose more money if the market goes down.

Bull speculators play an important role in the market. They provide liquidity and help to keep prices stable. They also help to ensure that there is a market for new products and services.

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