___ is a compromise mode between Shut Down and Sleep mode because it does not consume power and remembers the current state of your desktop A. Shut Down B. Restart C. Sleep D. Hibernate

Shut Down

The correct answer is Hibernate.

Shut Down is a mode where your computer turns off completely. It consumes no power and does not remember the current state of your desktop.

Restart is a mode where your computer turns off and then turns back on again. It consumes power and does not remember the current state of your desktop.

Sleep is a mode where your computer turns off most of its components but keeps the memory powered on. This allows you to quickly resume your work when you turn your computer back on. It consumes less power than Shut Down but more power than Hibernate.

Hibernate is a mode where your computer saves the current state of your desktop to your hard drive and then turns off completely. This allows you to save power and resume your work quickly when you turn your computer back on. It consumes the least amount of power of all the modes.

In conclusion, Hibernate is a compromise mode between Shut Down and Sleep mode because it does not consume power and remembers the current state of your desktop.

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