Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

Section 113 B — Presumption as to dowry death
Section 137 — Examination in Chief
Section 151 — Indecent and scandalous questions
Section 154 — Impeaching credit of witness

The correct answer is (c). Section 151 of the Indian Evidence Act deals with the power of the court to prevent indecent or scandalous questions being put to a witness. It does not deal with the examination in chief of a witness.

Section 113B of the Indian Evidence Act deals with the presumption as to dowry death. It provides that where the death of a woman is caused within seven years of her marriage and it is shown that soon before her death she was subjected to cruelty or harassment by her husband or any relative of her husband for, or in connection with, any demand for dowry, the court shall presume that such death was caused by such cruelty or harassment.

Section 137 of the Indian Evidence Act deals with the examination in chief of a witness. It provides that the first examination of a witness shall be by the party who calls him. The examination in chief is the examination of a witness by the party who calls him to give evidence in support of his case. The purpose of the examination in chief is to elicit from the witness evidence that is favourable to the party calling him.

Section 154 of the Indian Evidence Act deals with the impeaching credit of a witness. It provides that the credit of a witness may be impeached by the party against whom he is called, or by the party who called him, and that the party impeaching the credit of a witness shall first give evidence of the facts which he relies upon for that purpose. The credit of a witness is his character for truth and veracity. It can be impeached by showing that the witness has made previous inconsistent statements, that he has a bad character, or that he is biased.