Acidic soils are found mainly in which district(s)?

All of these

The correct answer is D. All of these.

Acidic soils are found in many parts of Himachal Pradesh, including Kangra, Shimla, and Chamba districts. These soils are characterized by a low pH, which means they are acidic. Acidic soils can be caused by a number of factors, including the presence of certain minerals, the type of vegetation, and the amount of rainfall.

Acidic soils can have a number of negative effects on plants. They can make it difficult for plants to absorb nutrients, and they can also make plants more susceptible to pests and diseases. In some cases, acidic soils can even make it impossible for plants to grow.

There are a number of ways to manage acidic soils. One way is to add lime to the soil. Lime will raise the pH of the soil, making it less acidic. Another way to manage acidic soils is to plant tolerant plants. There are a number of plants that are able to grow in acidic soils.

If you are concerned about the acidity of your soil, you should consult with a soil scientist or agricultural expert. They will be able to help you determine the best way to manage your soil.